Take a moment to read the latest news on the Building Project by clicking the following link: https://www.cebuildingproject.com/latest-news/managing-costs-through-value-engineering
about 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
PC/MS Rendering: Building Project
Please click the following link to review the Q & A garnered from the Public Comment at the July 26th Combined Town Council and School Board Workshop: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1215/CESD/2319772/Public_Comment_Q_A_07.26.2022.docx.pdf
about 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
CESD is required to provide reasonable opportunity for public comment on the ESEA consolidated application (https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1215/CESD/2271078/ESEA_Consolidated_Grant_Application_2023.pdf). Please check your email for further info.
about 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
Join us July 13, 2022 at 6:30 pm via Zoom for a Public Forum on the updates of the School Building Project!
about 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
Public Forum July 13, 2022
See the latest news on our Building Project by clicking the link: https://www.cebuildingproject.com/latest-news/how-much-will-new-schools-cost
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
CE Logo
Building Project Public Forum 06.15.22 @ 6:30 pm Middle School Library. Architects will be sharing school layout designs and seeking input. Bldg tours avail at 5:30. Go to www.cebuildingproject.com for more information. Lend your voice in the new Pond Cove & CEMS School Design.
over 2 years ago, Andrea Fuller
School Board Regular Business Mtg Tues, Jun 14 6:30pm Town Hall. FMI https://bit.ly/3xJ2p9q
over 2 years ago, Andrea Fuller
Tonight's Class of 2022 Senior Celebration will be live-streamed to CETV on cable channel 1 and be available online at https://cetv.capeelizabeth.org/ or directly at https://tinyurl.com/senior-celebration-2022 for both live broadcast starting at 4:30pm and future on-demand viewing. Congratulations to the class of 2022!
over 2 years ago, Tom Farmer
A new blog post for our School Building Project is live on the website, including a final report from the engineers and architects involved in the project. Read all about it here: https://www.cebuildingproject.com/latest-news/has-renovation-been-considered
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
CE Logo
Students riding Bus #6 again please meet bus today where the road remains closed at Cross Hill and Prout Place.
over 2 years ago, Andrea Fuller
Unfortunately, due to a major water break in CE, all three schools will be closing today. MS and HS will be dismissed at 9:45 am, PC at 10:25 am. We know this is an inconvenience and appreciate your support and flexibility. Parent pick up will run as it typically does.
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
Seniors spent their morning having breakfast and chalking the CEHS sidewalk with their next steps!
over 2 years ago, John Springer
CEHS 2022 Senior Chalking
School Building Project Fiscal Sub Cmte 6:30pm on June 9. All are welcome. FMI inc Zoom link, visit https://www.cape.k12.me.us/
over 2 years ago, Andrea Fuller
School Building Project Oversight Cmte 6:30pm on June 2. All are welcome. FMI inc Zoom link, visit https://www.cape.k12.me.us/
over 2 years ago, Andrea Fuller
The 5/26/22 District DEI Cmte mtg has been postponed. FMI please visit our website https://www.cape.k12.me.us/events?id=9792460
over 2 years ago, Andrea Fuller
Click on the link below to read the latest blog about the School Building Project! The next Public Forum is June 15th! https://www.cebuildingproject.com/latest-news/may-design-workshop-recap-next-community-workshop-june-15
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
CE Logo
Join us for the Design Workshop where we invite you to add your voice to our upcoming School Building Project, through small group sessions with the architects! School tours begin at 5:30pm, with the Workshop following at 6:30pm. All are welcome!
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
Design Workshop - May 18th
Pond Cove was determined by MCDC to be in outbreak status on 5/9/22. Therefore all students, staff, and visitors at Pond Cove are required to wear masks starting on 5/11/22 until the outbreak status is lifted by the MCDC.
over 2 years ago, Andrea Fuller
SCHOOL BOARD Reg Business Meeting Tues, May 10 6:30PM Town Hall. Masks Strongly Encouraged in Town Hall. FMI https://bit.ly/3KVQys5
over 2 years ago, Andrea Fuller
Watch the MPA State Finals for SSBU here! https://tinyurl.com/MPASSBUSpring22Final
over 2 years ago, Jason Lund
Cape Elizabeth Esports