teen girl sleeping in bed

This year, CEHS is offering a Science Research Group ELO (Extended Learning Opportunities) class, with many students presenting their research at the Maine State Science Fair this spring. Two enrolled students have created surveys to support their research, and they need participants! Surveys take between 10-15 minutes to complete - please share with your friends and family!

Circadian Rhythms

Project goal: Determine if there is a difference in the circadian rhythms* of teens and adults, and consider the relation to school start times

Student: Lauren Gerety

Participants: Any age

Survey length: ~10 minutes

Participate: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-izV-G2CktUGrJtfhs7I_qQ75wTxMDg3MjHpH8pHeUc/edit

*Background: A circadian rhythm is the 24-hour pattern your body follows. It carries out vital functions, such as when to sleep and wake up. It plays a big role in your daily schedule and contributes to whether you work best in the night or morning.

Direction & Memory Survey

Project goal: Relationship between sense of direction, mental imagery, memory, and facial recognition.

Student: Wren Venter

Participants: Anyone over 18

Survey length: ~15 minutes

Participate: https://forms.gle/frmL81MyLyschHzn8

The Science Research Group ELO class is part of the Pathways Program, which engages students in relevant, challenging educational experiences that prioritize student voice, develop agency, and create community partnerships.