Feb 11 Public Forum

All Cape Elizabeth citizens are encouraged to attend a Public Forum on Tuesday, February 11 (2025) at 6:00pm at Cape Elizabeth Town Hall. Harriman Architects will present a three school phased building project design approach. Public comment and questions will be welcomed. This meeting will be live streamed and recorded.

[Join Zoom Meeting] (https://zoom.us/j/97900991667)

‪(US) +1 312-626-6799‬‬

Members of the Public May Participate Remotely During Public Comment Opportunities.

To view the meeting livestream: https://cetv.capeelizabeth.org/ and push watch in the upper right-hand corner. Live broadcast on CETV, livestream and remote participation are offered as a convenience when the technology is available and operational in the given meeting space. If the technology is not available or in the event there is a disruption in service and the communication can't be restored the expectation is the meeting will continue.

Please follow this link to the meeting's agenda and for any related materials. A regular School Board business meeting will immediately follow the Public Forum.