I am excited to inform you of another FREE opportunity. Ritual Art of Wellness, a local Cape business owned by Jacyln Gallo, a Pond Cove parent, is offering FREE 30 minute yoga classes to our CEMS students on Fridays at 1:00 pm. Classes start today! This is optional. Students may attend none, one, or all of the classes provided.
I had the pleasure of taking a small group of students from our CEMS Student Council "You Will Be Found" committee to the Ritual studio earlier this school year to trial a class, as I was hoping to provide this type of opportunity to all interested students in the near future. Boys and girls from grades 5-8 participated in a 35 minute session and had nothing but rave reviews of how it enhanced their school day. It allowed them to, "press a reset and recharge button in the middle of the day."
Please see the description and information on the free virtual class offerings provided by Ritual below:
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra or “yogic sleep,” is an ancient practice that connects the mind, body, and soul. During the guided meditation, the physical body completely relaxes, while the mind remains awake. You need only to maintain awareness of feeling and of hearing - all other awareness can be let go of. Yoga nidra relieves stress and anxiety, relieves muscular and mental tension, enhances the immune system, improves concentration, improves sleep, promotes increased energy levels, and helps to connect with self.
As a middle school teacher, Kate Strait practices yoga nidra weekly with her students; She has found that it helps them tremendously to manage stress and anxiety and in all the ways described above.
Kate and the Ritual family would love nothing more than to connect with your kids for a 30 minute guided meditation to help alleviate stress and anxiety that they may be facing during this time.
This class is being offered free to families of the Cape Elizabeth School System.
Link to register:
No coupon code needed.
Jill Young, BSN, RN
School Nurse
Cape Elizabeth Middle School
ph: (207) 799-8176 x5145
fax: (207) 767-0832
"Students must be Healthy to be educated, and educated to be Healthy."