Coaches Corner
Important Coaches Information:
CEHS Online Student Accident/Injury Report (For CEMS & CEHS Coaching Staff)
Athletic Trip Request Information (NEW)
Coaching Certification Forms:
Coaches Paperwork
CE Coaching Application Forms (Click Here)
Proof of Fingerprinting info
Step 1- Application Approval Form (Click Here)
Don’t forget to include the $15 fee.
Step 2- Register with Fingerprinting IdentGO (Click Here)
Note: IdentoGO will provide you with an ID and Confirmation, be sure to keep that.
Payroll Information
Please contact Susan Kinney in the Business Office (ME W4 Form, Federal W-4, I9 Form, Direct Deposit Authorization Form)
MPA Required Coaching Courses - Reference for Acceptable/Equivalent Programs (Click Here)
NFHS - Fundamentals of Coaching (Click Here)
NFHS - A Guide to Heat Acclimatization and Heat Illness Prevention (Click Here)
NFHS - Concussion in Sports - What You Need to Know (Click Here)
NFHS - Sudden Cardiac Arrest (Click Here)
NFHS - First Aid, Health & Safety for Coaches (Click Here)
NFHS - Protecting Students from Abuse (Click Here)
Adult CPR Online (Click Here)