School Building Advisory Committee Timeline

January 2023

 May 2023

  • SBAC recommends CBRE Heery (now Turner & Townsend Heery) as the Owner’s Representative for the project.

  • Unanimous Town Council and School Board votes approve the hiring of Turner & Townsend Heery as Owner's Representative.

 October 2023

 November 2023

February 2024

April 2024

 May 2024

  • May 2: SBAC meeting facilitated by Craig Freshley, Good Group Decisions.  With the guidance of Mr. Freshley, the SBAC ranked criteria for selection of a final option and heard the results of the April 2024 community survey. 

  • May 2-9: The SBAC receives nearly 200 emails in support of Concept E, which included a new Middle School. The committee received 2 emails in support of Concept B.  The results of the committee’s May 2 design ranking exercise also ranked Concept E as the top option.

  • May 9: SBAC votes on a building plan recommendation; the vote results in a 5-4 split between Concept B and Concept E.

  • May 13: Town Council recevies an update on the SBAC vote.

  • May 14: The School Board receives an update on the SBAC vote and a presentation from Harriman Architects on Concept B.

  • May 21: Members of the SBAC present Option B and Option E at a School Board Workshop.  Following a question and answer period with Harriman Architects, the School Board asks Harriman to develop a compromise solution that includes a new Middle School in a price range the SBAC indicated community would support.

 June 2024

 July 2024

 August 2024

  • August 2024: The Town Council votes unanimously to place the $89.9M "Middle Ground" school project plus an additional $4.8M for municipal use on the November ballot. (also see: School Bond Project Order)
