School Building Project Timeline
January 2023
The ad-hoc School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC) is established.
May 2023
SBAC recommends CBRE Heery (now Turner & Townsend Heery) as the Owner’s Representative for the project.
Unanimous Town Council and School Board votes approve the hiring of Turner & Townsend Heery as Owner's Representative.
October 2023
SBAC recommends Harriman Architects as the Architect & Engineering Firm.
Unanimous votes by the School Board and Town Council approve the recommendation.
November 2023
November 16 Public Forum: Introduction to Harriman Architects
November 30 Public Forum: The State of Our Schools
February 2024
February 1 Public Forum: Harriman presents 7 Design Options
February 8: SBAC meets with New England School Development Council (NESDEC) regarding enrollment projections. (also see: NESDEC follow-up memo)
February 13: School Board discussion of 7 options to provide feedback to SBAC. Board expresses a preference to “reset the clock” on one building to avoid being in the position of having to replace all three school buildings at the same time in the future.
February 15: SBAC Meeting narrows to three preferred options. Public feedback submitted via SBAC website indicated a preference for at least one new building.
February 23: SBAC meeting with Maine Department of Education regarding school construction financing, space allocation guidelines, and state funding application process.
April 2024
April 10 Public Forum: Harriman presents 3 Preferred Options (also see: 3 Options Investment Lifespan)
May 2024
May 2: SBAC meeting facilitated by Craig Freshley, Good Group Decisions. With the guidance of Mr. Freshley, the SBAC ranked criteria for selection of a final option and heard the results of the April 2024 community survey.
May 2-9: The SBAC receives nearly 200 emails in support of Concept E, which included a new Middle School. The committee received 2 emails in support of Concept B. The results of the committee’s May 2 design ranking exercise also ranked Concept E as the top option.
May 9: SBAC votes on a building plan recommendation; the vote results in a 5-4 split between Concept B and Concept E.
May 13: Town Council recevies an update on the SBAC vote.
May 14: The School Board receives an update on the SBAC vote and a presentation from Harriman Architects on Concept B.
May 21: Members of the SBAC present Option B and Option E at a School Board Workshop. Following a question and answer period with Harriman Architects, the School Board asks Harriman to develop a compromise solution that includes a new Middle School in a price range the SBAC indicated community would support.
June 2024
June 10: The Town Council votes to sunset the SBAC effective June 30, 2024. (also see: School Building Process Adopted by Town Council)
June 11: Harriman presents the Middle Ground option to the School Board.
June 17: Harriman presents Middle Ground option at a joint School Board and Town Council workshop and responds to questions from School Board Members and Town Councilors.
June 24 Public Forum: Harriman presents School Building Design Solution. Owner's Rep Turner & Townsend Heery provides School CIP Information.
June 24: Final School Building Advisory Committee meeting. Members of the SBAC share their thoughts and questions regarding the Middle Ground Project.
June 30: The SBAC is sunsetted.
July 2024
July 1: The School Board votes unanimously to recommend up to $89.5M for school construction and renovations.
July 8: The Town Council votes unanimously to send the "Middle Ground" project to a public hearing.
July 29 Town Council Public Hearing: Over 40 community members spoke in favor of the Middle Ground project, and one community member submitted a petition in favor of the project signed by 465 residents.
August 2024
August 2024: The Town Council votes unanimously to place the $89.9M "Middle Ground" school project plus an additional $4.8M for municipal use on the November ballot. (also see: School Bond Project Order)