Resource Links


Frontline - Employee attendance, payroll information and more.

PowerSchool Teacher

NWEA - Teacher Login


Cape Learning - Use the Sign in with Google button. This is used for Professional Development and Annual Training. (Annual Training Directions).

SWANK - Movies that are licensed for Cape.

TeachPoint - Professional Growth Site

Reach My Teach - Used to communicate with your student's parents. Translates messages.


Help Desk - In addition to emailing, you can also see your tickets or add a new ticket from the Help Desk site.

Course Reimbursement

Requests for Course Reimbursement are due by February 1st of the year in which your courses are to be taken. Form submission should include:

  • a completed form, signed by

    your supervisor

  • a brief description of how course(s) will improve your practice

  • a description of course* for which you intend to register

(*If the actual course name isn't available, please provide placeholder course info on your submission to meet the Feb 1 deadline. Provide course specifics as soon as available.)

Send your request for course reimbursement packet to the School Dept Business Office c/o Accounts Payable. After it is logged as received and reviewed by the Superintendent, you will receive a signed form back.

Immediately after completion of the course, provide the following items to the School Dept Business Office c/o Accounts Payable:

  • a copy of the original, approved course reimbursement form

  • an itemized bill for the course(s)

  • receipt(s) for required textbook

  • a copy of the course grade

  • a completed Check Request Form

    • If an Educational Loan/Advancement request was approved, the items above are still required.

Change of Status Form - If you have earned an additional degree (or 30 hours)

District Support

English Learner Support

Homeless Support (McKinney-Vento) - For district questions, please contact the Assistant Superintendent.

Business Office Forms - Summer Work, W4, Professional Development, etc.

Recertification Forms - Video on finding your link

Recertification Ed Tech Form

Calendars - Yearlong view

Transportation Page

School Specific Resources