Dr. Christopher Record, while born in Cleveland, grew up in Wilton (Maine) and attended Mt. Blue High School in Farmington. Outside of the classroom, he enjoyed playing soccer, xc ski racing, running track, participating in multiple student clubs, and traveling on exchange trips to the Soviet Union and Australia. Chris graduated from Bates College in 1995 with a Bachelor of History degree and while there enjoyed a semester abroad in Kenya. While furthering his education at Bridgewater State College, he worked as an ed tech in an elementary behavioral special education classroom in Randolph, MA. Additionally, on his professional journey he worked as a teacher at a wilderness therapy school in NC, taught geography, world studies, and US history at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School, served as Assistant Principal at OHCHS and Principal at Gorham High School, and most recently worked as Assistant Superintendent in Gorham. Chris earned a Masters in School Leadership from USM and a Doctorate in Public Policy and School Leadership through the Muskie School at USM. Along the way he was selected as Maine Assistant Principal of the Year in 2008, as a two time finalist for Maine Principal of the Year, and as Maine Assistant Superintendent of the Year in 2020. When not working, Chris enjoys outdoor adventures and family fun with his wife, Mary, and two children, Ashton and Kyleigh. Mary is an outstanding health teacher at Scarborough High School and Kyleigh attends SHS. Ashton is currently enjoying his time at Gettysburg College.