It is important to recognize that all technology is not created equal. This is especially true for our youngest learners. Screen time and technology continues to be an area that receives a lot of attention and research; rightfully so. We are currently faced with a situation where more than half of our learning is occurring remotely forcing the hand of many educators to integrate more technology. One way that the kindergarten team has been working to ensure technology is working for our students is by introducing age appropriate apps and apps that will transform our learning into products. One example of this is the use of Google Slides. Through the use of Google Slides students are able to import pictures, share work, and collaborate as a team on different projects.
Technology integration should be about how we can enhance learning opportunities as well as collaborate during what is a very unique school year. Applications are wonderful ways to practice skills and reinforce learning, but true technology integration takes thoughtful preparation and pre-teaching. In kindergarten, students have learned all about the facets of the iPad including screenshots, editing a picture, logging in, and the importance of password security. These digital citizenship skills will serve students long into their educational experience.
As always, we need to do what serves our own individual family best. If screen time is something you have concerns with, find ways to adapt assignments using less technology or reach out to your child’s teacher for recommendations. We can all agree that we, technology included, work better collaboratively.