Technology integration this year has moved to a three week rotation to keep everyone as safe as possible. The first group of students and teachers to benefit from this new plan are the wonderful people in our First Grade wing.
The first technology integration lesson was a team effort with our new school counselor Mrs. O'Neill. First we read the book eNinja by Mary Nhin. We talked about how to be successful with online learning and students learned proper Zoom Etiquette. Then students used Zoom to meet Mrs. O'Neill in "person". Students practiced muting and unmuting and played a game by turning on and off the camera to answer yes and no questions.
Next up, students will learn to use Google Slides and how to add images to a slide created just for them. Teachers receive professional development along side their students, and learn to assign the slideshow through Google Classroom.
Students will also learn a new app, Chatterpix, and work on a fun Thanksgiving project. Finally students will use BeeBots to learn some computer programming before the Hour of Code in December.
Stay tuned for more pictures and information!