Dear Pond Cove Families,
This letter is a reminder about the changes occurring to bus times for the week of December 7-11. Superintendent Wolfrom shared an email with all families on Friday explaining the need for these changes. These changes can also be found on the Cape Elizabeth School website.
Buses will be making double runs to provide transportation to and from school. These adjustments will change the start and finish time of the school day.
The new arrival and dismissal bus schedules for Pond Cove are outlined below. Please note that all times listed are approximate. This is not a detailed outline of bus stops, routes, or assignments. That information is only available to parents via the Transportation Department.
To allow for proper ventilation on the buses, windows will continue to be open on the buses even as temperatures start to get colder. Please dress your child(ren) accordingly for this cold weather.
If you have transportation related questions, please reach out to Chris Storer or Perry Schwarz directly at Facilities, 799-9574.
Thank you,
Jason Manjourides
Principal, Pond Cove School
Morning Schedule
FIRST WAVE Arrival @ Pond Cove - 8:20am Buses- 1, 12, 7, 3
SECOND WAVE Arrival @ Pond Cove - 8:40am Buses- 10, 6, 15, 5
Afternoon Schedule
Pond Cove FIRST WAVE Departure - 2:47pm Buses- 1, 12, 7, 3
Pond Cove SECOND WAVE Departure 3:14pm Buses- 10, 6, 15, 5