Pond Cove Elementary
Spirit Dress-Up Days March 2021
Maroon, Gold & Fully Remote
During the month of March, we invite all students and staff to participate in our Pond Cove spirit dress-up days! These dress-up days will take place on Thursdays for maroon group students, and Fridays for fully remote and gold group students.
If you are a fully remote student, please take a picture every time you dress up and send it to your teacher. We look forward to seeing the creative and silly ways you choose to participate!
Have fun, everyone!
Silly Hat/Hair Day
Maroon: Thursday, March 4
Gold: Friday, March 5
Wear your silliest hat or create a funny hairdo for the day.
Favorite Animal Day
Maroon: Thursday, March 11
Gold: Friday, March 12
Dress up as your favorite animal or wear something that has that animal on it. This might be an animal that lives in the rainforest, desert, forest, ocean, or an animal you saw at the zoo. It could even be an animal that is extinct. Whatever animal you love the most - put on an outfit that shows us all what it is.
Future Job Day
Maroon: Thursday, March 18
Gold: Friday, March 19
Dress up for the job you hope to have when you are older. Maybe you want to be a doctor, join the police or fire department, or be a movie star. Whatever you dream of becoming when you grow up, come dressed and ready to tell others why you want to do that job someday.
Favorite Book/Movie Character Day
Maroon: Thursday, March 25
Gold: Friday, March 26
Wear something that reminds you of your favorite book or movie character. You can share all about why you like that particular character the most.