Things have been busy in Instrumental Music at CEHS!! In the last 6 weeks, 4 of the 5 jazz groups have recorded songs and sent them to MMEA for adjudication. It's a tremendous accomplishment and even more impressive is that it has been done remotely!
Many thanks to Jason St. Pierre for his help coaching the Advanced and Intermediate combos and A.G. Gillis for helping me with the recording equipment and to Terry White for writing our homage to remote recording, “Cape Covid Blues”! Also, big shout out to all of the music staff, students and administrators for their hard work and support this season.
Please join us on Zoom on May 3, 2021@ 7 pm for a reveal of the rest of the songs recorded during the year and to listen to us jam outdoors for the first and only time this year!
In the meantime... enjoy two of our songs by clicking on these links:
“Cape Covid Blues” (CCB) and “Webb City”
Zoom Link for 5/3 @ 7 pm:
See you soon!
~Rob Wheeler