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The 2021 Fall Esports regular season has come to a close. Time to update all of you on the teams!

League of Legends:

The team this year focused on building comps to try and get a better team cohesiveness with their champions. They were able to work on Hard CC and Poke comps. They had a great run but unfortunately we needed Harpswell to lose both their last games and they won one. Fifth place for the MPA teams still isn't something to shake stick at! Congrats!

Super Smash Brothers Ultimate:

Our first season with SSBU went very well. our focus this season was how it all works and playing with main character options. We placed mid table for the regionals. While there isn't an MPA playoff yet, we did place 4th for the MPA teams. We'll take it!

Rocket League:

A fantastic season for the Capers! Our only losses were two forfeits but all our wins were straight 3-0 games. We have placed 7th in the league and will be playing the the quarter finals on Tuesday, December 7th @ 4:00pm and will be streamed on our YouTube channel. Be sure to cheer them on!