We will be closing CEHS on Friday (10/28/2022), to allow our custodial crew to conduct a deep cleaning of the building. Due to the late nature of this announcement, there will not be virtual classes on Friday and there will be no indoor afternoon/evening events. Athletic Director Thoreck will be communicating with coaches about the plan for games/practices on Friday and this weekend.
Pond Cove and CEMS will have in-person school on Friday (10/28/2022).
Staff, however, are expected to work during the school day.
The School Board voted (6-0) this evening to highly recommend masks in our schools if deemed to be in outbreak status by the MCDC. This is a change from 5/10/22 when they had previously voted to require masks in a school that was determined in an outbreak. I invite you to watch this meeting when you have the opportunity to hear their individual reasons for supporting this approach. We recognize that many of you will appreciate masks remaining a family/individual decision and others will be disappointed with the Board decision. Let’s continue to try to support each other even when we disagree.