Cape Elizabeth Schools will be closed today, Thursday October 26, 2023. Stay Safe.

Spring 2023 Maine Through Year results for Grades 3-8 & 10 are now available. More information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gkMGHra-1KTC0EH9tF9W4539WT0tMvI80eUOwdgvHLc/edit?usp=sharing

Congratulate Caidi Staples for out-fishing all of the other Adventure Students this morning with a homemade "Stick" Fishing Rod- from a Kayak!!!

Thanks so much to all the parents and community members who showed up and participated in our first Parent Tech Night!
- Parent Handout - https://docs.google.com/document/d/13gf32yjmVt9JYP_CpOZRl3oorluwnIvbnY6Vw4LgZag/view

New fencing around the Pre-K playground has been installed!

Parent Tech Night is coming on October 17th, 5:30-6:30 in the CEMS Library. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFvdC0OSs8/rLqE0sIaQeFwDRUzt2seow/view?utm_content=DAFvdC0OSs8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

National Merit Scholarship Corporation has unveiled the names of their semifinalists.
NMSC semifinalists come from all over the state of Maine, but Cape Elizabeth High School boasts the largest number, with seven seniors competing for the prestigious scholarship.

Please join us at the SBAC Public Forum on Sept 20th at 6:30 pm at Town Hall!

Check out the link below to see Hadley Johnson talk about her upcoming, self-written musical at CEHS.
AFTERTHOUGHT is based on a concept developed her Freshman year by Hadley and her classmate and fellow senior, Eliza Green.
Hadley has been workshopping and rehearsing since this past January with a cast and crew of over 40 students and professional musicians and artists.
AFTERTHOUGHT will be presented Thurs - Sun, 9/28 - 10/1, at the CEHS Auditorium.

School District distributes 130 fans to the three schools to help beat the heat!

Getting ready for the start of school! We can't wait!

*INTERNET ACCESS* - Our internet service provider experienced an issue on Friday that led to a service disruption. We are working with our provider to fully restore service. PowerSchool, Cape Learning, and some other resources may not be available until the issues are resolved.

**4:30PM 8/21/23 update: We believe the issue to be resolved and public access restored.**The district is working to resolve an issue affecting the network connection to the schools. For families, this means a loss of access to PowerSchool.

Cape Elizabeth Schools has posted a new RFQ. Please see https://www.cape.k12.me.us/page/doing-business-with-cape-elizabeth-schools for more information.

Not to worry - the Fire Department is assisting the Facilities Department identify masonry leaks this morning starting at 9 am Thursday.

Cape Elizabeth has posted an RFP for a Municipal Communications Consultant. Please see the full posting on our "Doing Business with Cape Elizabeth Schools" page.

We encourage you to take a moment to fill out this survey to help facilitate the School Building Advisory Committee's work towards school building proposals. It is open to all Cape Residents 18 and older. There is a button linked to the survey on the District webpage.

The high school gym is getting a facelift. It is believed that the ceilings haven't been painted since the school opened in 1969!

The PowerSchool parent portal will reopen on Thur, 7/27 & families may begin to submit annual student info forms. Planned summer projects delayed the portal opening slightly. Thank you for your patience.

Please click the following link to review the SBAC Press Release: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1215/CESD/3305349/Press_Release__CE-SBAC_Survey_Announcement_24JULY2023.pdf