April 10, 2020
NAMM Foundation: 2020 Best Communities for Music Education Award For the fifth year in a row, the Cape Elizabeth School Department has been honored with the Best Communities f...
April 9, 2020
Please take a moment to read the latest update of the FY21 Budget from Superintendent Wolfrom.
April 8, 2020
Please take a moment to read the latest letter from Superintendent Wolfrom.
April 6, 2020
The Cape Elizabeth School Department has been selected as the recipient of the 2020 Dale Huff Outstanding Program Award. The organization was created by founder, Scotty Huff, afte...
April 2, 2020
Good morning everyone. My name is Lisa Boucher Hartman and I am the director of the musical at CEMS. As many of you know, we were supposed to perform Mary Poppins Jr this coming...
April 1, 2020
Please take a moment to read the latest letter from Superintendent Wolfrom.
March 30, 2020
During this time, we are asking that if you want to make a donation to the Backpack Program, the service that delivers food to families in need, please send the check to the addre...
March 27, 2020
Please click here to read the latest letter from our CEMS School Nurse, Jill Young.
March 26, 2020
Please click on the corresponding names to read Budget Update #5 and Budget Update #6 . The latest Video on the Budget Meeting that was held via ZOOM can be seen here .
March 25, 2020
Watch Maine students from Gorham show how social distancing can be creative!
March 25, 2020
When you can't go out and celebrate a birthday during a quarantine, you have a birthday parade! Thanks to PCES Assistant Principal, Sarah Forrey-Pettit for sharing this news segme...
March 23, 2020
Click here to read some important information about devices from Apple.
March 20, 2020
Please take a moment to read the latest update from Superintendent Wolfrom.
March 19, 2020
The Budget Workshop Meeting that was scheduled for March 24, 2020 at 6:30pm is still being held, but will now be accessed through ZOOM video conferencing. It is still open to the...
March 19, 2020
Take a moment to view this video on how germs spread. This can be very resourceful in helping prevent the further spread of COVID-19 within our community.
March 19, 2020
Click here to read recommendations and resources from the CDC website. As always, be safe and be well.
March 18, 2020
Please take a moment to read the latest letter from Superintendent Wolfrom.
March 17, 2020
As our school district moves to online learning to continue to support our students' education, having home internet is more and more important. Spectrum has a program, open t...
March 16, 2020
Please take a moment to read the letter from our Nutrition Director, Peter Esposito.
March 15, 2020
Please take a moment to read the latest letter from Superintendent Wolfrom regarding the COVID-19 update.