CESD was thrilled to welcome staff back for the 2022-23 school year. We shared a wonderful breakfast served by members of the District Leadership Team, celebrated Amanda Marsden, Bri Gallagher, & Mark Doughty, and heard welcoming address by Supt. Record & A. Supt. McClellan. Every staff member was provided a CAPE shirt with the message, "We Make a Difference"!
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
CEEF Awards
Breakfast line
breakfast line
we make a difference
Please check your email for important information regarding the state providing school meals at no charge this year. Applications are due by October 1, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
You can view the District Planning Committee meeting by clicking the link below: https://reflect-cetv.cablecast.tv/vod/923-District-Planning-Committee-August-22-2022-v1/vod.mp4
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
The schools are getting ready for the students coming back!!
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
New Wood Chips - playgrounds
New Wood Chips - playgrounds
New Wood Chips - playgrounds
New Wood Chips - playgrounds
We are pleased to announce that the Town Council voted on 8/22/22 to move the School Building Project forward to a November citizens' referendum. https://www.cape.k12.me.us/article/815435
over 2 years ago, Andrea Fuller
ce logo
The Public Outreach Committee Meeting is now available on CETV. https://reflect-cetv.cablecast.tv/vod/920-Public-Outreach-Committee-August-17-2022-v1/vod.mp4
over 2 years ago, Troy Patterson
One of our parent/guardian volunteers on our Public Outreach Committee for the School Building Project created this fantastic video: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFHvBJOG3Q/ozEI35h0vefKUTuUd6UW4w/watch
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
PC/MS Rendering: Building Project
Bus Routes are now available on our web site. These are linked to the Parent Resources page. (If necessary, these will be updated prior to first day of school). https://www.cape.k12.me.us/page/parent-resources
over 2 years ago, Troy Patterson
The Fiscal Subcommittee Meeting of August 11, 2022 is now available on CETV. https://reflect-cetv.cablecast.tv/vod/918-Fiscal-Subcommittee-August-11-2022-v1/vod.mp4
over 2 years ago, Troy Patterson
Take a moment to read the latest news on the Building Project by clicking the following link: https://www.cebuildingproject.com/latest-news/managing-costs-through-value-engineering
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
PC/MS Rendering: Building Project
over 2 years ago, Troy Patterson
Please click the following link to review the Q & A garnered from the Public Comment at the July 26th Combined Town Council and School Board Workshop: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1215/CESD/2319772/Public_Comment_Q_A_07.26.2022.docx.pdf
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
Reminder: School Board workshop at 7:30 pm Town Hall Thursday 8/4. Watch on CETV: CETV is Cape Elizabeth's Public Access Television Channel. It can be viewed on Spectrum Cable Channel 3 and Channel 1302 in Cape Elizabeth.
over 2 years ago, Troy Patterson
CESD is required to provide reasonable opportunity for public comment on the ESEA consolidated application (https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1215/CESD/2271078/ESEA_Consolidated_Grant_Application_2023.pdf). Please check your email for further info.
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
Join us July 13, 2022 at 6:30 pm via Zoom for a Public Forum on the updates of the School Building Project!
over 2 years ago, Jen Lakari
Public Forum July 13, 2022
See the latest news on our Building Project by clicking the link: https://www.cebuildingproject.com/latest-news/how-much-will-new-schools-cost
almost 3 years ago, Jen Lakari
CE Logo
Cape Elizabeth Graduates continue to excel. The Maine Department of Education (DOE) has welcomed nine new summer interns this year, who began their work on May 31st. One of those interns is a graduate of Cape Elizabeth Schools. The interns were selected for positions in the Maine DOE by the University of Maine’s Margaret Chase Smith Policy Institute’s Maine Government Summer Internship Program. Piper Strunk is a rising junior at Bates College. She is an economics major and education minor from Cape Elizabeth, Maine. This summer she will be working with the Office of Innovation as an Innovative Education Assistant, helping to improve the existing MOOSE modules. She is thrilled to be a part of this program and looks forward to helping create meaningful and engaging educational content for all students across Maine.
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Piper Strunk
Building Project Public Forum 06.15.22 @ 6:30 pm Middle School Library. Architects will be sharing school layout designs and seeking input. Bldg tours avail at 5:30. Go to www.cebuildingproject.com for more information. Lend your voice in the new Pond Cove & CEMS School Design.
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Fuller
School Board Regular Business Mtg Tues, Jun 14 6:30pm Town Hall. FMI https://bit.ly/3xJ2p9q
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Fuller
A new blog post for our School Building Project is live on the website, including a final report from the engineers and architects involved in the project. Read all about it here: https://www.cebuildingproject.com/latest-news/has-renovation-been-considered
almost 3 years ago, Jen Lakari
CE Logo