Security Reminder:
This time of year generates lots of scams and phishing attempts. Please remember that school officials will only ever contact you using official accounts (ending in @capeelizabethschools.org).

On Monday, December 19, the MPA held its first in person state finals for Esports. Our Smash team and our League of Legends team are state runners up in their respective matches. We want to congratulate Maine Central Institute on their Smash title and Noble High School for their League of Legends state title. We also congratulate Caribou High School in their win over runners up Noble High School.

Destination Imagination (DI), a STEAM-based competition for K-12 students, is looking for volunteers to lead teams of students through dynamic, creative, problem-solving processes. Through the fall and winter, DI teams work together and learn to harness their strengths, with the eventual goal of presenting their unique solution to one of seven challenges at the Maine State Tournament at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast on March 11th (and, if they qualify, Global Finals in May).
Our Cape Elizabeth School Department is looking for parents, caregivers, and educators who may be interested in starting a team, and creating new opportunities for social-emotional learning for their kids. Please reach out soon if you are interested!
FMI: Please contact Sarah Gagne at sgagne@capelizabethschools.org

Two esports teams are headed to the MPA State Finals! https://cehs.cape.k12.me.us/o/cehs/article/933802

The CEHS Class of 2024 is hosting a Babysitting Night on December 17th from 5:00-8:30 pm for your elementary and middle-schoolers!
Take the night off and reward your child(ren) with 3.5 hours of fun for only $35! Adult-supervised and staffed by CEHS students.
Drop off at the high school cafeteria.
For an evening of pizza, snacks, kid-appropriate movies, and games!
Sign up:

The Facilities Director, Dave Bagdasarian recently met with Mrs. Jennings's 1st-grade class to talk about recycling. Here is a photo of their field trip to the school recycling dumpster!

The School Board and Town Council Joint Meeting held on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 is now available on CETV.

The School Board Workshop meeting held on Wednesday, November 16th is now available on CETV.

We have verified through the Maine Information and Analysis Center, the Maine State Police, and Cape Elizabeth Police that the active shooter calls you may have seen reported through the news media this morning were a hoax. Cape Elizabeth schools received no threat calls this morning. SRO Galvin and other Cape Elizabeth Police officers will be on campus all day out of an abundance of caution. If any student has any concerns at all, please speak with a teacher, building principal or school counselor.

School Board Wkshp re Building Proj next steps. Wed Nov 16 5:45pm HS Library. FMI bit.ly/3WUeZNL A joint TC & SB Wkshp will be held at 7pm in Town Hall.

The MS Gym floors were refinished just in time for Winter Sports!

The School Board held a meeting on November 1st. The meeting is now available on CETV.

The School Board Meeting held on Thursday, October 27 is now available on CETV:

The Cape Elizabeth School Board will be holding an Emergency Meeting at 5pm at the CEHS library to discuss and potentially take action on any recommendations made by the District Planning Committee regarding requiring masks in school during a MCDC determined outbreak and other mitigation measures.This meeting will be recorded and posted.

Cape Elizabeth School Department has published an RFP for Building Automation System Service Contract. Please see "Doing Business with Cape Elizabeth Schools" for more information. https://www.cape.k12.me.us/page/doing-business-with-cape-elizabeth-schools

School Board Regular Business Mtg Tues, Oct 11 6:30pm Town Hall. FMI https://bit.ly/3CfsM89

Building Oversight Committee Meeting for September 29, 2022 is now available on CETV.

The School Board Workshop Meeting Video is now available. The meeting was held on September 27, 2022 https://reflect-cetv.cablecast.tv/vod/938-School-Board-Workshop-9-27-2022-v1/vod.mp4

Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic happening on Sept. 27th from 2-4 pm at the Children's Museum. See attached flier for more details!

Cape Elizabeth has issued an RFP for Ramps and Sidewalks. Please see our "Doing Business with Cape Elizabeth Schools" webpage (https://www.cape.k12.me.us/page/doing-business-with-cape-elizabeth-schools) for more information.