We are in the process of selecting devices for the incoming ninth graders next year. Please consider sharing your thoughts about computer devices for students (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqYvbLveyIPldmqCjTnj1lhPoa_Cg1zqpS4IvpLENLUGeVsg/viewform)
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
The School Board Public Outreach Video is now available. https://reflect-cetv.cablecast.tv/vod/844-Public-Outreach-April-27-2022-v1/vod.mp4
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
CEHS Concert Choir visited Sunflower Farm today, sang for the baby goats! We rehearsed in the barn as students held days-old baby goats! Their smiles were some of the most heart-warming I have seen https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SWxQInh7yc_nRqovV6dhCU3KDI9A8VQi/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Looking for more information on the possibility of new schools in Cape? Check out https://www.cebuildingproject.com/ for more information. Next Public Forum is May 18th
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Cape Elizabeth Schools help launch a National Pilot for School Facilities. See our Feature page for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Cape Elizabeth hosted Brunswick for Baseball and Softball. Cape Elizabeth was victorious in baseball, and fell to Brunswick in softball. WMTW has an overview: https://www.wmtw.com/article/cape-elizabeth-baseball-brunswick-softball-win-on-saturday/39805166
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Cape Elizabeth has been honored with a Best Communities for Music Education award from NAMM. See our Feature page for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Building Oversight Public Outreach Sub Committee - Wednesday, April 27th at 6:30 p.m. https://capeelizabethschools-org.zoom.us/j/82079469353?pwd=bUVuYW1MMW5jUlRYM2grZS9pb0NMdz09
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
SCHOOL BOARD Workshop Meeting Mon, April 25 7:00PM* CEHS Library. [*Workshop will begin immediately after the budget presentation to theTC which begins at 6pm.] fmi https://www.cape.k12.me.us/browse/313228
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Fuller
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
SCHOOL BOARD Reg Business Meeting Tues, April 12 6:30PM Town Hall. Exec Session immediately precedes. fmi https://www.cape.k12.me.us/browse/312196
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Fuller
Building Project Community Forum: Join us for an in-person discussion and staff led tour! Thurs, April 7 6:30 p.m Pond Cove/CEMS Cafetorium Topics: History of the project • Right-sizing the schools - Current & projected enrollment figures - Answers to your questions
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Flyer for the meeting
Congratulations to Susan Dana (CEMS teacher)!!! Susan Dana is the recipient of the Sister Solange Bernier Lifetime Achievement Award.
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Holly Forsyth’s Third Grade Class Here are some photos of students working in book clubs as part of our Character Traits unit. Students learn to identify character traits and evidence in the text that proves the trait.
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Students reading books at a table.
Mr. Brewington and Mrs. de Vries Honors Biology classes at CEHS The students are at Spurwink marsh collecting environmental data such as water salinity, water temperature, air temperature, light levels and carbon dioxide levels.
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
students on a wooden walkway.
2 students at a stream while 2 students look on.
CEMS Students in Steve Price’s and per Noreus’ Classes Experimenting with Dry Ice
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Teacher at a table with students.
Julie Merriam’s 4th Grade Class with “Bullseye News”: “I love that they can articulate the learning target and then provide evidence of how they have met the target!!” ~ Dr. Record - Episode 1: https://flipgrid.com/s/o_Tag7MBJtzx - Episode 2:https://flipgrid.com/s/P1wnyhUabZQf
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Mrs Ferry’s 1st Grade Class: The first graders worked on a design challenge with our new tech integrator, Leesa Joiner. Jane met the challenge of building a bridge that could hold 10 legos. She was the only one to reach the goal.
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Jane sitting at a desk with legos on it.
Unified Basketball 3/17/22 Cape vs Greely (among my favorite events since I started as Supt.) The last Unified Basketball game of the season. It was also senior night. It was a great game that once again went to the buzzer. The final score was 85-85.
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson
Basketball court with players on the court.
Jazz Cabaret is TOMORROW (Friday, March 25th)! Don't miss out. Here's a little preview....https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EvgVXkJeTTivGtmCdrYFWn7HjKvhvJs4/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Troy Patterson