Superintendent Record & Assistant Superintendent McClellan enjoyed touring the 7th grade Experiential LearningTeam’s Museum of the Middle Ages today. They were impressed by the knowledge and creativity of the students.

The Public Outreach Recording is now available. https://reflect-cetv.cablecast.tv/vod/815-School-Building-Oversigh-v1/vod.mp4

CE SCHOOL BOARD Regular Business Meeting
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - 6:30 PM - Town Hall
Click the following link to review the agenda and supporting documents: https://www.cape.k12.me.us/browse/300757

Are you a parent looking for resources to help your child safely navigate their online life? Maine Dept. of Education has some free resources: https://sel4me.maine.gov

Cape Elizabeth School Project Community Forum. March 7th at 6:30 p.m. Learn more the history, schedule, and reasons for new schools. Ask questions. See the Calendar for links.

Cape Elizabeth will be piloting a program called Securly. This will enable us to filter school issued devices that go home. We hope to roll out the ability for parents to have additional controls when the devices leave our network. More information will follow.

The Technology Department would love to hear the community perception on which devices would be best for Cape Elizabeth students.
Depending on how much feedback you want to provide, the survey should be about 5 minutes.

Please Note: Building Project Forum scheduled for 2/10 with Dr. Record will now be held on 3/7 at 6:30 pm. A zoom link will be posted at a later date. We appreciate your interest and support.

Today's District DEI Committee meeting is canceled due to the last minute unavailability of the Superintendent and Asst. Superintendent.

Good Morning! Due to inclement weather, all CESD Schools will be closed today January 7, 2022.

7th Grader Ella Riley, who is an enthusiastic art student in Mrs. Lawler-Rhoner's class, stopped in to Central Office to help Jen Lakari ring in the New Year with some celebratory artwork on the chalkboard.

Due to inclement weather, all CESD schools will be closed today, Wednesday 12/22/2021.

Just a quick reminder that pooled testing will not occur this week due to the holiday, it will resume after the New Year! Have a safe and wonderful break!

How to enter:
Purchase each kit for $20 with this order form
Have all kinds of fun with your family and friends building your own house or an entire village
Take a picture of your creation and share it with us by email (aurora.milton@capeelizabethschools.org) or text (781-354-3720)
Publicize your creations by posting on Instagram with the tag #CEHSgingerbreadhouse
The chosen winner will win a $25 gift card to a local business. PLUS, every photo submission will be entered into a raffle to win ANOTHER $25 gift card!
All photo submissions can be submitted by email
Submissions are due by January 6!

Click the following link to review the minutes and/or watch the video of the District Planning Committee Meeting from December 7, 2021: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1734040/DPC_12_7_2021_Minutes.pdf

Click the following link to review the reference map for the possible site location of the proposed building project:

Click the following link to read about CEHS defeating Lewiston in a tie-breaking decision for the Maine High School Mock Trial Program championship.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, tonight’s School Board Workshop will be rescheduled to a later date. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The CEEF Holiday Red Apple Award program makes it easy for parents to say thank you to and recognize the people who have had a positive impact on their students this fall. Click the link to nominate your favorite district employee!