Wow! Two in one year! Maggie Cochran and now Anna Cornell!
Go Capers!
Read the press release below:

Congratulations to the Cape Middle School Girls Softball team Class B Championship.

After departing PCES, the Class of 2021 made its way over to CEMS where we were delighted to welcome them back one last time. And congratulations to CEHS Principal Jeff Shedd on his final Senior Walk. Best wishes to you all from your CEMS Family! https://youtu.be/bNoDTIRsK9k

One of the greatest #CESchools traditions continues this year. #PondCoveSchool students line the playground to cheer for our Seniors as they walk through our campus to celebrate graduation. What a way to start a Friday!

Cape softball beats York 15-0 to cap off a perfect 16-0 season!

Congratulations to Mount Desert Island winning the MPA League of Legends Championship! See you all next season!

MPA League of Legends Final today @4pm! CE vs Mount Desert Island
CETV Channel 3, CETV livestream: https://cetv.capeelizabeth.org/CablecastPublicSite/watch/3?channel=1 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p6vy41Ddhg

Congratulations to Cape League of Legends team for winning their Semifinal match! See you on Thursday at 4pm for the MPA State Final!

In case you missed the Q & A Session regarding the Vaccine Clinic being held at CEHS and CEMS, you can view the recording of the video below:

Rocket League Quarterfinals streams at 4pm today! Come cheer the team on Youtube or CETV
Cable Channel 3

Governor Mills names all Maine Nurses "Nurse of the Year", and boy do ours deserve it! Click the link below to watch her video of thanks! And say "Thanks" to Erin Taylor of PCES, Jill Young of CEMS and Karen Jenkins of CEHS!

A correction was made to the consent form, please read the email or click the link below and use the "Covid-19 Patient Vaccination Consent Form".

Please check your email for a letter from the Superintendent regarding vaccinations for students 12 years and older.

Click the link below to join the Zoom meeting to meet our new Superintendent on Wednesday June 2, 2021 at 6:30 pm:

Click the link below to read the Press Herald article about our beacon of strength Donna Wolfrom:

Join us this evening April 30th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm for the annual Gabe Zimpritch Poetry Symposium reading. Tina Chang, Poet Laureate of Brooklyn, is leading the poetry workshop today with Lisa Melanson and 14 Cape students. Please register in advance at the following link: https://www.thomasmemoriallibrary.org/zimpritch-poetry-symposium/ After you register, you will be emailed a Zoom link for the evening.

Sunny morning messages before #vacation at #PondCoveSchool. 2nd-grade students want to make sure people have fun, but stay safe. #wecandothistogether

Please click the link below to find the recording of the District Planning Committee meeting from April 8, 2021:

Join us for the District Planning Committee Meeting April 8, 2021. Click on the link below to review the Agenda:

Nothing says Friday at #PondCoveSchool like a new lunch room apron + the one and only Mrs. Tasker. This is simply amazing! She is a ray of sunshine in our building, or maybe a shooting star? #FriYay