Volunteer Club Winter Clothing Drive for Preble Street was a huge success! In January & February, students collected 10 garbage bags of clothing - hats, mittens, gloves, coats, boots and heavy socks along with $200 in cash through Venmo. Everything was dropped off at Preble Street just before February break.
almost 4 years ago, Ginger Raspiller
Clothing drive
Please take a moment to read Superintendent Wolfrom's latest Budget Update: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1181453/Budget_update_five.pdf
almost 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
almost 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
almost 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
This month is spirit month at #PondCoveSchool Thursday + Friday are career days. So nice to see so many students as scientists + engineers!
almost 4 years ago, Thomas Charltray
One student with an eye on the future!
Please take a moment to read over the newly updated COVID FAQs: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1174660/COVID_FAQs.docx__6_.pdf
almost 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
Click below to view articles and news shared by committee members during the process of the District Planning. The link in the Gallery, "Coronavirus & School Reopening Information" also leads you to various avenues of information, including an article in USA Today. https://www.cape.k12.me.us/o/cesd/browse/199134
almost 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
To find the Video & Minutes from the District Planning Committee meeting from March 16, 2021, click on the "Coronavirus & School Reopening Information" link above in the Gallery. For a quick link to the minutes click below: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1172381/DPC_Meeting_March_16__2021.pdf
almost 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
REGISTER NOW for 2021 Maine Virtual One Act Play Festival. CEHS presents Euripides extraordinary Greek tragedy, THE BACCHAE.       Saturday March 20: starts at 11 a.m. CEHS is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vey6rB51RX-KOdJWflzovw
almost 4 years ago, Ginger Raspiller
Please take a moment to read the letter from Superintendent Wolfrom regarding the District Planning Committee and the upcoming schedule of meetings. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1169319/District_Planning_Committee_March_15__2021.pdf
almost 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
Read the latest update on travel guidelines from the office of the Governor: https://www.maine.gov/covid19/moving-maine-forward
about 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
Please click the address below to review the Budget Update from Superintendent Wolfrom. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1153999/FY22_Budget_Update_Four.pdf
about 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
about 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
about 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
Join artist and CEHS art teacher - Roz Gross - for a panel discussion about her art featured in the current exhibit at Portland Museum of Art: Untitled, 2020: Art from Maine in a ________ Time. https://player.vimeo.com/video/515326997
about 4 years ago, Ginger Raspiller
In Feb/Mar, CEMS Civil Rights Team is shining a spotlight on Black history by creating a student-generated gallery in the Gym lobby http://bit.ly/3bM7bqo The exhibits celebrate how our world has been shaped by the contributions of Black individuals https://youtu.be/cKAnZJTIiLw
about 4 years ago, jonathan r. werner
BHM 2021
Freeman Quote
Please click on the link below to read the latest update on vaccinations: https://mailchi.mp/maine/cu5lemq6y0-1322724?e=30078ce095
about 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
Please click the link below to read Superintendent Wolfrom's update on the ongoing Budget Process. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1138700/Budget_Update__3.pdf
about 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
Click the link below to read FAQs regarding the district's ongoing responses to COVID-19. The live link is on the district's website in the Gallery. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1131766/COVID_FAQs.docx.pdf
about 4 years ago, Jen Lakari
Portland Museum of Art panel discussion Thursday, February 18th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. featuring our own Rosamond Gross. The artists from the exhibition "Untitled, 2020: Art from Maine in a ________ Time" will discuss their work. Register here: https://www.portlandmuseum.org/eventscalendar/conversations-with-maine-artists-february
about 4 years ago, Ginger Raspiller