Volunteer Club Winter Clothing Drive for Preble Street was a huge success! In January & February, students collected 10 garbage bags of clothing - hats, mittens, gloves, coats, boots and heavy socks along with $200 in cash through Venmo. Everything was dropped off at Preble Street just before February break.

Please take a moment to read Superintendent Wolfrom's latest Budget Update:

Tonight's School Board Workshop (Meeting ID: 840 6954 0603) can be joined by clicking the link below:

Please take a moment to read the following release from the Maine DOE:

This month is spirit month at #PondCoveSchool
Thursday + Friday are career days. So nice to see so many students as scientists + engineers!

Please take a moment to read over the newly updated COVID FAQs:

Click below to view articles and news shared by committee members during the process of the District Planning. The link in the Gallery, "Coronavirus & School Reopening Information" also leads you to various avenues of information, including an article in USA Today.

To find the Video & Minutes from the District Planning Committee meeting from March 16, 2021, click on the "Coronavirus & School Reopening Information" link above in the Gallery. For a quick link to the minutes click below:

REGISTER NOW for 2021 Maine Virtual One Act Play Festival. CEHS presents Euripides extraordinary Greek tragedy, THE BACCHAE.
Saturday March 20: starts at 11 a.m. CEHS is scheduled for 2:30 p.m.

Please take a moment to read the letter from Superintendent Wolfrom regarding the District Planning Committee and the upcoming schedule of meetings.

Read the latest update on travel guidelines from the office of the Governor:

Please click the address below to review the Budget Update from Superintendent Wolfrom.

Maine DOE announces a new program for Maine Teens. Click the link below to see!

Please take a moment to read the updates to the COVID FAQs:

Join artist and CEHS art teacher - Roz Gross - for a panel discussion about her art featured in the current exhibit at Portland Museum of Art:
Untitled, 2020: Art from Maine in a ________ Time.

In Feb/Mar, CEMS Civil Rights Team is shining a spotlight on Black history by creating a student-generated gallery in the Gym lobby http://bit.ly/3bM7bqo The exhibits celebrate how our world has been shaped by the contributions of Black individuals https://youtu.be/cKAnZJTIiLw

Please click on the link below to read the latest update on vaccinations:

Please click the link below to read Superintendent Wolfrom's update on the ongoing Budget Process.

Click the link below to read FAQs regarding the district's ongoing responses to COVID-19. The live link is on the district's website in the Gallery.

Portland Museum of Art panel discussion Thursday, February 18th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. featuring our own Rosamond Gross. The artists from the exhibition "Untitled, 2020: Art from Maine in a ________ Time" will discuss their work. Register here: https://www.portlandmuseum.org/eventscalendar/conversations-with-maine-artists-february