Pond Cove Closure Details for December 2nd
Pond Cove Librarian Featured at Public Libraries
Mock Trial wins 2nd virtual competition
Governor Mills' Thankfulness
Pond Cove Principal's Notes
Cross Country Teams finish 1st & 2nd  @Western Maine regional  qualifier
2020 CEEF Thompson & Brownell
VEX virtual competition hosted by York
Pond Cove Remote Learning Plans
Winners: Hope Taylor & Nurse Jill Young
Pond Cove Principal's Notes
1st Grade Students Learn About Zoom with Mrs. O'Neill
The New Normal - 100% Remote Teachers"
5th Annual Scarborough Community Thanksgiving Dinner To-Go
Mural Added to Pond Cove Playground
Faculty Zoom
heart and mind high-fiving
Kindergarten iPad Detectives
Letter from Superintendent Wolfrom